Believe it or not, although I was an English major in college, and have read many many classics during that time, and in my personal life, I have never read a Jane Austen novel. Well, that is now changing. I picked up "Pride and Prejudice" along with two other of her novels and am enthralled. Of course I've seen the movie version of a number of her novels, but reading them is so different. The characters are so much more rich and engaging, of course. "Pride and Prejudice" is an excellent love story and an excellent fall out of love story, or will love happen story. The character of Mr. Darcy, for one thing, is much more than what I've seen him portrayed in film versions of this story. Is he basically kind of a jerk or just misunderstood/misrepresented? I'm almost through with this story, and will probably move onto "Sense and Sensibility" next. Stay tuned...
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